

Are you a mum wanting to raise your children consciously? The desire to help your children grow into emotionally well-adjusted adults is so important today. In fact, having healthy and happy families is a common goal we all share.

Flower Essences facilitate emotional wellness and what you learn in this course will see you assisting your family and friends to be the best they can be and enable you to run your own business.


Are you a practitioner and  looking for that missing link in your practice? Just as Dr Edward Bach observed in his medical practice in the 1930’s the underlying presenting patterns of your clients are often emotional. You know, and see it every day, that how your clients think and feel impacts every aspect of their lives.

Flower Essences facilitate emotional wellness and what you learn in this course will have you transforming people’s lives and assisting them to expand their potential.


Are you looking to understand more about yourself and your inner emotional world? Having the freedom to explore and expand your self-awareness, perception, and concept is a rewarding and ever evolving experience. Self-mastery is the goal.

Flower Essences facilitate emotional wellness and what you learn in this course will give you the structure to grow into the best version of yourself and then expand that out to serving others through establishing your own business.

Black and White Photo of a Woman Smiling


I loved Leonie's Flower Essence Therapy course and I have to say I didn't want it to end. I have learnt so much as a student but also for my own self. I feel pride and enlightened, an inner glow, knowing I can do what I’ve always wanted to do and that is to share my passion and guide others to heal themselves. This course has made me want more; more for myself and more to share with the world. Thank you Leonie x.

Nicola C Stokes | 2017 Soul Essence Healing



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This practitioner level certificate course in flower essence therapy explores the following:

Over 300 flower essences covering the Bach, FES, Living Essences, Australian Bush, Tree Frog Farm and Desert Alchemy ranges

The Indian Chakra System

Chinese Concepts that link emotions to specific organs

Basic physiology of the body

Metaphysical understandings of illness and disease

15 Psychological Theories

Egan Model of Counselling


This course consists of 100 hours of content. At the end of each module there is a quiz to support your learning. There are 16 downloadable PDF modules and 21 hours of audio files. You can join an active Facebook group where lots of videos covering the answers to questions you have will be found and so much more.

What this means for you is you can practice as a flower essence therapist and not be restricted in accessing any flower essence range. You aren’t JUST a Bach Flower Essence Therapist or JUST an Australian Bush Practitioner. You can work with all flower essence ranges.

The holistic nature of the content ensures you have a broad perspective of health, emotions, and healing allowing you to be the best practitioner you desire to be. 

Black and White Photo of a Woman Smiling


I loved Leonie's Flower Essence Therapy course and I have to say I didn't want it to end. I have learnt so much as a student but also for my own self. I feel pride and enlightened, an inner glow, knowing I can do what I’ve always wanted to do and that is to share my passion and guide others to heal themselves. This course has made me want more; more for myself and more to share with the world. Thank you Leonie x.

Nicola C Stokes | 2017 Soul Essence Healing

Easy Payment Plan

Get instant access to your first 5 modules, followed by each set of modules in the next 3 months.

AU $240

Monthly (3 mo.)

Pay in Full & Save 70%

Get instant access to ALL of your course modules!

AU $650

One Time Payment

I believe every flower essence brings you back to the truth of who you are.

Flower Essence Therapy Course Content

Pink Bleeding Heart Flowers

The structure of the flower essence therapy course provides a holistic approach to your studies. The central thread for learning about the flower essences is through the integration of the Indian Chakra System, Chinese links between emotions and organs, Metaphysical concepts, and Psychological theories. This all-inclusive perspective ensures a thorough exploration of the theory, practice, and art of flower essence selection, treatment, and client remedy evaluation.


The Why? What? How? Who? of Flower Essences, Making a Flower Essence; Dr. Bach’s Theory; Doctrine of Signatures; Essences for Animals; the various ways of using essences – for birth and massage; and Tools of the Healing Trade.


Base, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Brow, and Crown Chakras.

Where there is a link between the organs of the Indian Chakra system and the Chinese links with emotions the relevant flower essences are discussed including: Fear & Kidneys; Anger & Liver; and Grief & Lungs.

To expand on your understanding of the impact of unprocessed emotions on the body you will study Human Physiology and its Metaphysical Relationships for the Kidneys; Adrenal Gland; Female Reproductive System; Male Reproduction System; Digestive System; Liver; Gallbladder; Pancreas; Heart; The Blood; Lungs; Thymus Gland; Thyroid Gland; Parathyroid Gland; Lymphatic System; Pituitary Gland; and the Pineal Body.

Chakra Point Diagram
Outline of a Face Made Up of Puzzle Pieces

Incorporating Human Psychology and Theories within the framework of flower essence therapy enables you to fully grasp human reality.

Topics include:
Anxiety; Stress; Perceptual Psychology; Defence Mechanisms; Concepts of Feminine & Masculine – Jung, Yin & Yang; Pro-Female/Male Archetypes; Anger; Rational Emotive Therapy; The Foundation of Who We Are; Thomas Gordon’s Problem Ownership; Creativity; Various Aspects of Abuse; Co-dependence; Erik Erikson’s Stages of Development; Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs; and Commonly used Interpersonal Communication Approaches.


Because I believe to work with flower essences professionally, it is essential for you to have sound counselling-communication skills, a free Egan Model of Counselling course has been included. The Egan Model consists of three stages and three steps in each stage. It empowers you to effectively progress through a step-by-step system that assists you to clearly and concisely establish the most important issues a client needs resolved by a flower essence mix. 

The skills you will learn includes: 

Accurate Observation of Non-verbal Data, Minimal Verbal Encouragers, The Balanced Use of Silence, Concreteness, Open Questioning, Clarifying Questions, Information Gathering, Advanced Accurate Empathy, Counsellor-type Challenging, Values Identification, Clarifying Feedback Response, “I” Messages and Goal Setting.

Close Up of a Compass with a Red Arrow Pointing to the Word Career

So what does that all mean?

The course progresses through the chakras starting at the Base. Let’s use the Base Chakra as an example. You explore what the chakra represents and relevant flower essences for these issues. The metaphysical aspects of illness and disease are described and the flower essences discussed. The kidney is the organ associated with the Base Chakra and in Chinese Medicine the kidneys relates to fear hence you will explore the essences related to fear. The gland covered in the Chakra System is the adrenal gland. You will study the psychological theories connected to stress and anxiety and also cover the pertinent essences. 

Having fully explored the Base Chakra you will move on to the Sacral Chakra and do this again; exploring the relevant flower essences to Indian, Chinese, metaphysical and psychological theories and on it goes…

American Flag


This, by far, has been the most rewarding flower essence course I have ever experienced as I've taken many! What I loved about it is, Leonie covers Bach, FES, Living Essences of Australia, Australian Bush, Desert Alchemy, and Tree Frog Farm. This 16 module course covers the Egan Model, concepts of Chinese medicine, life coaching and so much more!!! I also appreciate Leonie's passion for flower essences which you can really feel from the education videos and audio files. Her no BS approach is also something I appreciate and admire. What is really best of all is, Leonie will take the time to respond to her students in a timely manner so no student is left behind.  I highly recommend this course and working with Leonie. You will not be disappointed!! 

Michael Allison, 2021 | Detroit, Michigan, USA

Single Red Flower in a Wheat Field


Before finding Leonie's course, I was looking for a training in flower essence therapy that would incorporate different systems (Bach, ABFE, FES, etc.) within a structured course based on the Indian Chakras, as well as fundamental psychological and counselling theories. When I looked into Leonie's course I thought immediately, 'This is what I was looking for!' The curriculum progression is very well designed and Leonie's insights clearly come from years of experience in the industry. I highly recommend it!!

Claudio Li Calzi, 2021 | Australia

Pink Lotus Flower


I thoroughly enjoyed completing my Certificate in Holistic Flower Essence Therapy, via The Essence of Healing Institute. The online set up is easy to follow. I found the course content really interesting and Leonie Blackwell is both delightful and supportive. This course has added so much extra joy, wonder, and knowledge to my life. My family and friends are all now benefiting from flower essences. Forever thankful.

Natalie Ahlert, 2020 | Victoria, Australia

Easy Payment Plan

Get instant access to your first 5 modules, followed by each set of modules in the next 3 months.

AU $240

Monthly (3 mo.)

Pay in Full & Save 70%

Get instant access to ALL of your course modules!

AU $650

One Time Payment


#1 Taking a Flower Essence

This provides you with a personal experience of the flower essence healing process which means you can really help clients understand their journey.

#2 Case Studies (25 Hours) 

This gives you the opportunity to start practising being the future practitioner you wish to be and that means you start your career with confidence and experience. 

#3 Essay (2,500 words) 

This essay invites you to find the answers to neutralise scepticism and that means you can practice with sound knowledge, a blueprint of holistic health, and confidence in your role in the healing profession. 

Q & A

What can I do when I complete this course? 

You will be a qualified flower essence therapist. This means you are able to set up your own business and work in the field of complementary therapies. You can become a member of a professional organization and have access to professional insurance. 

How long does it take to complete this course?

A certificate course is designed as a 6 month course but I allow you to have 12 months to complete it, if needed. If you want, you can finish the course in less than 6 months but the assessments do take a couple of months to complete.

What if I can’t Complete it in 12 months? 

You can absolutely apply for an extension. One thing I know is that life sometimes gets in the road. To cater for this I am always open to talking to you about your circumstances and granting an extension. 

How do I access the flower essences?

In your first module I discuss how to purchase the stock bottles and even where you might start in selecting your first order. I provide you with an introduction letter that you will be able to download with your first module.

Woman Smiling with the Ocean in the Background


This course is the best thing that I have done for myself. I moved through a lot of personal things. I absolutely love flower essences and what they can do for you. I now have so much more direction and clarity in my life. Leonie is an awesome teacher. She makes learning fun and easy. Leonie nurtures you through the course giving you excellent examples and explanations. I recommend this course to anybody who is open minded and looking for something else in their life. It is like you look at life from a different angle. I have grown so much this year.

Liz Donohue | 2007


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Easy Payment Plan

Get instant access to your first 5 modules, followed by each set of modules in the next 3 months.

AU $240

Monthly (3 mo.)

Pay in Full & Save 70%

Get instant access to ALL of your course modules!

AU $650

One Time Payment

Want to Enroll?

Based in Australia and would rather do a Direct Bank Deposit?

Do You Have Any Questions?

I would love to hear from you!

Give me a call on:+61 3 5625 4466


email Leonie at:essenceofhealinginstitute@gmail.com

Holistic Flower Essence Therapy

Is Brought To You By

The Essence Of Healing Institute
