Revealing Love Series

By Leonie Categories: Tappers Tribe
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Without love we wouldn’t have a music industry. Without love we wouldn’t be human. Without love…what would we be? Love is pure energy. It lives everywhere – within us, around us, and through us. Yet love isn’t always experienced as love. Sometimes we have been so wounded from our experiences of those who claimed to love us that love has become distorted, covered over, and blurred with many other emotions and definitions. But still a yearning for love lives on.

This Revealing Love Series started out as a 21-day challenge and turned into 29 days of transformational tapping that helps to clear and empower us. While I created it initially as one tapping script per day for 21 days, what was experienced was the need to honour and respect our own personal journey. Sometimes you may want to spend three days or a week tapping the one script and adding in many more rounds of your personal story. Sometimes you will be surprised at what surfaces that you never expected. The key is to move through the scripts in order, there is a flow, and take the time you need. My personal suggestion is once you get to Pure Love, which is script 29, tap that for a week and then any time you feel you need a boost. It’s a real gem!

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Course Content

Introduction to Revealing Love

  • Let’s Talk About Love
  • Loved for Who I Am
  • How I Want to be Loved

The Body and Love

Five Love Languages

Love and Influences

Love and Relationships

A Deep Reveal

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